Our Staff’s Working Emotional Quotient
Ø Try our best to help the applicants
The applicants could be from those families that are in desperate need to improve their poor living. Being their chosen agency, our mission is to assist them in getting a good job as soon as possible. As the significance of our efforts is that we can help make the applicants’ dreams come true, we should be happily rendering our best kind of services to them. Furthermore, we should be grateful to these main contributors of our economy, because they sacrifice working abroad and leaving behind their beloved families.
Ø Respect and treat everybody as our family members
No matter what our position is, we should always bear in mind that, in the eyes of God, we are all the same and actually no superior to others. We should be humble not only to our supervisors, more so to our colleagues, subordinates and everybody else in this world. If we can’t humble ourselves, there is no point of going to church, because God’s Ways and Commandments seem meaningless to us.
Ø Always keep a healthy attitude toward our work
Since nobody obliges us to work for this company, we should always wear a smiling face at any time. Always try to do our best and have less complaint in our work. Never be self-important, because nobody is indispensable. Instead, we should be more cooperative so as to achieve a better relationship with others.
Ø Always say sorry for our errors
Nobody is perfect and can be free from error, so let’s not try to cover it. Admitting our mistakes will always win people’s forgiveness and respect. Giving more excuses for our errors will only let people think that we’re really stupid and eventually despise us more. We should teach ourselves, our family, especially our children: Concession is no humiliation; nor admission of error any disgrace.
Ø Always be honest and loyal
As a member of this big family, we should always be loyal and honest to the company. In essence, there are two kinds of error that can never be forgiven: Deception and Disloyalty. Committing such gross misconduct will only end up with immediate dismissal. We should always remember: EyeQuest needs industrious and proficient employees, yet EyeQuest more values employees with real honesty and integrity.